‘The future of work’ in Bludigit Digital Factory, for the 2nd workshop

Technology is changing the way we work and live. The A.I. revolution brings uncertainties and potentialities to change everyday jobs and the approach with which we think and design. This workshop foresees a deep dive and exploration of the pros, cons, and opportunities that will help us in building a future we’d like to live in.

How will the Italgas’ Digital Factory evolve in the future?

In the next two weeks, students will explore the impact of rising technologies, such as AI, on the evolution of the methodologies and roles in the digital factory of the future. The final goal is to produce a dynamic blueprint that sets reskilling agendas, aligns with strategic goals, and forecasts workforce needs.

Students will apply foresight techniques associated to service design tools and methodologies to explore the trends & shifts, and new technologies, creating plausible and preferable scenarios of the future of (digital) work and its impact on potential new roles & methodologies for a special client.

In this challenge, the Specializing Master’s students will be working with Bludigit, the technological innovation hub of Italgas Group and premium partner of the Master. The workshop will be led by Chiara Monteleone, Experience & Innovation Designer, Erica Moreti, Innovation Strategy & Foresight Independent Consultant & Advisor, and Lesley Ann Culla, Service Designer & Visual Storyteller.

Students are divided into 4 groups to let them explore emerging trends and technologies to understand their impact on Bludigit, later, they will have the opportunity to do field research, visit the digital factory hub, and interview Bludigit’s employees, with the goal of laying down the roots for the concept development.
