Luca Simeone and
Amalia de Götzen are leading the first of 4 workshops organized in collaboration with companies, organizations or players of the service industry, in which students have the opportunity to work on
real briefs from real clients.
This is a five-day workshop, in collaboration with
Centro Medico Santagostino, that takes the students into a journey in which they will tinker with
a variety of user research approaches and methods. The students will work on a real-world, complex project, operate with tight deadlines, possibly in conditions of uncertainty, and combine techniques and approaches at the intersection of
rapid ethnography,
qualitative research and
human-centred design.
The participants will spend part of the time in the field, gathering and producing data through field visits and interviews. Such data will be complemented by desk research and later processed through design methods such as actor maps, personas, customer journeys.
The final goal of the week will be to produce key user insights that can be used to streamline existing services or create new services for
Centro Medico Santagostino.