(Service)Designing for Public Sector & Social Design

The educational journey of the XI edition’s students is reaching its final steps; yesterday we started the last Pill of the year, which stimulates the critical thinking of service design applied to an extremely sensitive but, at the same time, urgent and discussed topic lately. This module focuses on design for the Public Sector and Social Design, proudly hosting, Ottla Arrigoni, Policy Analyst Designer at the European Commission.

Governments are the oldest and largest service providers, and they are still living the legacy of their set-up. Design is crucial in aiding these institutions’ evolution into the 21st century, ensuring that policies and services are more attuned to the needs of their citizens and territories. Moreover, design in the public sector can drive a fundamental strategic and systemic transformation, helping institutions and organizations adopt new paradigms, visions, and sustainable, future-oriented services.

This module offers an overview of the various roles design plays across these sectors at different levels, including how to design, deliver, and measure services. It provides a foundational theoretical background, covering essential concepts, theories, and methods. Finally, it addresses the practical and ethical considerations involved.

During this pill, students will be asked to apply some of the acquired knowledge to a range of exercises, diving into different scenarios representing current challenges. We are curious to reason with students’ input.
