Service Design Methods and Tools with Roberta Tassi
Second module: service design methods and tools held by Roberta Tassi with Serena Talento from Oblo. This module provides an overview of the key disciplines, methodologies, and techniques applied to the work of a service designer. The course covers the most important moments included in the service design process, from #research to ideation, strategy and development of a service concept.
With alternate moments of theory and practice, students are going to learn the basics of the entire service design practice. More specifically, they will learn: how to set up desk research on trends, user behaviors, competitors, etc. in a structured way; how to organize and conduct primary research by interviewing users or engaging them in co-design activities; how to analyze data collected and translate them into actionable frameworks for ideation (using personas, journey maps, and system maps); how to shape a service vision and communicate it to others; how to lead the implementation of a service idea by breaking it down into smaller design briefs, blueprinting processes and testing it.
Did you know that we will have a Masterclass on enhanced service design methods & tools? Check it!