Ottla Arrigoni on Service Design for Public Sector & Social Design

Today commences the final pill of the X edition, led by Ottla Arrigoni, as we delve into the world of service design within the public and third sector. This module offers a comprehensive exploration of design’s role, projects, and potential impact in these industries. By immersing themselves in this course, students will gain a profound understanding of the responsibilities, power dynamics, and ethical considerations associated with these spaces. They will witness how each phase of the design process, from research to co-design, prototyping, and delivery, adapts and modifies itself to address the unique challenges posed by critical services within these sectors.

The increasing global interest in applying service design to the public sector underscores the significance of educating young service designers on its principles and real-world scenarios. As we embark on this transformative journey, we invite participants to explore and embrace the opportunities, complexities, and profound impact that service design can have within the public sector. Together, we will unravel the intricacies of designing services that positively impact society, paving the way for a future where design shapes government policies and services to meet the evolving needs of our citizens.
