Let's portray our projects: it was portfolio time here

“The portfolio is the most powerful tool in the hands of (service) designers.” This is what the guest of the day, who came directly from the Master Board, Bryan Sabin, says. The portfolio is the means that allows us to sum up and show our projects and skills; and last but not least, it lets our attitude and personality shine through, in order to characterize it and make us unique. Students will tell their stories, be recognized, and get ready to make contacts in the job market.

This lesson addressed the topic of Portfolio Design through a mix of basic elements and principles; then, it was the moment for some applicable best practices, and, finally, a slot for open discussions. The – apparently – simple topic was approached from different perspectives, to encounter both those who have a design background, with the basics for building an effective and competitive portfolio and those who have experience in different sectors, highlighting the strengths of these mixed pathways and giving them new perspectives on how to tackle the creation of a service design portfolio.
