Investigating facilitation and co-design with Monteleone

Yesterday there was the kick-off of the third Pill: Facilitation & Co-design with the sparkling Chiara Monteleone. This module investigates co-design and in no time brings out the hidden talents of our students as facilitators. This interactive course offers a completely hands-on approach to the facilitation and co-design methodologies. 

The pill is a series of collaborative activities and practical exercises but with reflective discussions throughout the whole launching day. It aimed at developing #criticalthinking skills, exploring facilitation styles, and fostering #creativity and #collaboration while selecting the right tools and methodologies based on desired outcomes. The pill provided concrete examples and insights into applying these concepts effectively in B2B/B2C/B2G scenarios, during the execution of any phase of the design process.

What’s more, today students can apply all the learned insights to a real-world scenario, running an autonomous co-design session on their own. Co-design brings together a choir of diverse voices, which should collaborate together to achieve an ultimate goal. This activity is extremely relevant in complex and systemic service projects. By the end of the course, students will learn how to co-design and its importance in service design.

Students should turn results into valuable and usable insight, don’t they? Let’s see which hat tricks they will propose.
