Diving in Virtual Reality and Metaverse, with the expert Lucio Pascarelli

Emerging Technologies Module officially begins, which is divided into a lecture per technology. Today, with over 40 years of ICT experience in the international and humanitarian sector, Lucio Pascarelli introduces our students to the concept of Virtual Reality and the Metaverse, exploring the potential for this emerging technology.  

An initial theoretical lecture on history and technology evolution leads directly into the world of emerging technologies with a hand-on experience. Students delve into current metaverse applications and services. They will gain an understanding of the usefulness and potential of these technologies, grasping the service components that underpin them, as well as an insight into the social and economic implications. During the afternoon, students do interactive activities with VR headsets to familiarize with them and Microsoft Mesh; following the ultimate goal of thinking about the opportunities and criticalities of integrating VR into the services they prototyped during the previous modules.

For service designers beginners it is always important to approach new technologies and become aware of the challenges and opportunities that arise. The adventure continues tomorrow with AI.
